GT Online MS Students

Procedure for Students in the OMSCS Program

  1. Students who are currently enrolled in the Online Master of Science Program in Computer Science may be eligible to spend a semester or more at Georgia Tech-Europe after completing and showing grades for at least two semesters in the OMSCS program.
  2. Interested students who are currently in their second semester or more should email for more information. In your email, please include your GTID along with the specialization you are pursuing in the OMSCS program, along with the semester(s) you'd like to participate. 
  3. All requests to study at Georgia Tech-Europe will be reviewed, and then either approved or denied, on an individual basis by the College of Computing. 

Students enrolled in online masters programs in other schools should email for information on eligibility to study at the Europe campus. The procedure and requirements will be similar to the OMSCS program.