British Standard Institution (BSI)
Job Title
Professional Services Manager, Southern Europe
Graduation Year
Partner School
Università degli Studi di Brescia

Why did you choose Georgia Tech Lorraine or Georgia Tech?

A mix of reputation, recognized technical leadership, internationality and simply welcoming infrastructures and top notch campuses are definitely what attract your attention at first, but the best you get to experience since the very first interaction with Georgia Tech is the people and the values of such an established and well reputed school. I felt supported since the first day and immediately shared the pride of being part of such a long established and large family with a consistent track of continuous growth, improvements and opportunities and strong and live values such as excellence, respect, diversity and (of course) fun!

 What impacts on your personal life?

At Georgia Tech you truly understand who you are. You are faced with so many exciting challenges, in a multicultural environment and surrounded by the most brilliant minds you'll meet in your life: this will help understand why you are unique, what motivates you, what are your strengths and areas of improvement and how to play in a team to achieve the best...or simply have fun. It helped me expanding my idea of comfort-zone becoming more and more resilient and open to new ways of thinking. I met so many friends from all around the world, opening my mind and learning the value and potential of
diversity and inclusity, but at the same time getting to know myself better and understanding which path I wanted to follow, being honest to myself and my values.

What impacts on your professional career?

The experience with Georgia Tech, which is more than just a degree, landed me a dreamjob in just a few days once back home despite the striving economic situation. But more than that, it gave me that edge much needed for being successful in an international environment and deal with change in the most profitable and yet sustainable way. After 7 years, I changed industry twice, went through three different "re-organizations", to find myself in a management role, owning the business of an entire streamline in a multinational group for my region, in a completely new sector for me until a few months ago: Georgia Tech is not just about learning, but mainly applying the tools you are given in class to all the changes, challenges and opportunities you will have in the rest of your life.