Aderly - Lyon
Job Title
International Investment Manager
Graduation Year
Partner School
Ecole de Management - Grenoble

My Business School in Grenoble [Grenoble Ecole de Management,] gives the opportunity to its students to carry out their 3rd year abroad. After passing the exams and with a good ranking, I succeeded to choose and register for a MSM degree at the Georgia Institute of Technology (Atlanta, GA). One of the main reasons I selected the GTech was to acquire knowledge and skills in technology, complementary to my management education.

The GTech experience provided me with another way to study, to assess and analyze situations, and to interact in a different socio-political and cultural environment. It opened and broadened my academic and professional vision. Collaborating with senior and experienced managers already involved in the professional world, provided me with a lot of inputs to on the global business environment.

This double degree supported my applications to the different organizations and firms I worked with, showing the recruiters my ability to perform in various contexts and to work with multicultural teams. It opened doors to my career and completed my address book. Moreover, working in a different language, i.e. writing and reading in English, gave me high-added value in language skills.

Finally, my double degree MSM (Georgia Tech., Atlanta) and MBA (GEM, Grenoble) widened my scope of understanding on cultural, social, and above all, business levels, and gave me access to opportunities, possibilities and networks of skilled, motivated and high-profile alumni community.

Today, I am still using all what I have learned during my higher education when I am advising and assisting international companies. As International Investment Manager with the Lyon Area Economic Development Agency [Aderly,], my daily mission is to support and to provide advice to CEOs and other executives in their project of setting up an office, opening a subsidiary, transferring their headquarters in Lyon. As such, I need to adapt constantly to our international and multicultural clients, understanding their needs, proving empathy to match perfectly with their expectations, and filling their needs. That where my year at GTech and the experience I acquired during my missions abroad after my MSM is very helpful.