Fall 2023 Calendar 

August 18 - Dorm Check-in (Friday)

August 21 - Mandatory orientations and GTE building tour (Monday)

August 22 -  First day of classes and Welcome Party (Tuesday)

October 27 - November 5 - Fall break

October 29 - Daylight saving time starts in France (Sunday - turn clocks back one hour)

November 5 - Daylight saving time starts in the U.S. (Sunday - turn clocks back one hour)

November 11 - Bank holiday (Saturday)

December 5 - Last instructional class day

December 6 - Reading day (all day) - December 7 and 12 - Partial reading day 8am - 2:40pm; final exams starting in afternoon

December 7 - 14 - Final exams - No travel plans can be made for the last weekend prior to the week of final exams, until the Schedule of Final Exams has been received by students. (dates to be confirmed)

December 15 - Dorm check-out and shuttle departures (earlier departures must be cleared with Laila Abou-Dahab and cannot be made until the schedule of final exams has been received by students) 

UNDERGRADUATES: Do not purchase your plane tickets until advised to do so by Ms.Bass! There are specific arrival dates and times. Instructions on purchasing plane tickets will be posted on Canvas. 

GRADUATE STUDENTS: Alina Opreanu will advise on arrival and departure dates. Please do not purchase your plane ticket until you have been in contact with her.